शुक्रवार, 19 जून 2015

Life may feel disappointment. Painful. Inducing madness too. Many times, happiness and fulfillment can be achieved in their wildest dreams.But the best thing about being human is the ability for self-empowerment. Your state of mind and, in turn, has the potential to change your entire experience.In other words, there are always alternatives. You stuck or stranded or at the mercy of forces beyond your control are not fickle. Fantastic news, is not it?

As it turns out, even the smallest of changes can add up to the biggest changes. If you want to get happy, like here, to start implementing the 50 habits, tomorrow
1. Slow down.
2. Be mindful. Life happens. The moment you've got.
3. Create a ritual. Every afternoon tea. Every morning, write a gratitude list. Walk around your neighborhood each evening. You can make anything out of the ritual - just deliberately and mindfully activity perform.
4. Exercise. Everyday. Let's go. Run. Leave . Swimming. Play four square . Whatever.
5. Make friends with Mother Nature . He 's got a lot to teach you .
6. Challenge yourself . You push your limits when it comes growth .
7. Keep an open mind . There are open-minded, happy mood .
8. Eat with relish .. Love your food . Do not eat on the run or mindlessly .
9. smile. Very.
10 laugh. Very. Real, authentic laughter.
11. drinking water. As much as you can stomach.
12. Taking vitamin D in the treatment of many diseases Sunshine.
13. Fear. And to do it anyway. The fear that a strong entrance.
14. Sleep well. Make a good night's sleep is a daily priority.
15. Disconnect from the technology. Periodically iPhone that close.
16. Touch other people. With their permission of course. Touch is very important for medical and mental health.
17. Cut back on caffeine . It is also delicious in liquid form , is still a drug .
18. happy to consume media . Go to news - rather than the positive , life-affirming view the content .
19. Talk to strangers . You never know who you might meet.
20. Be kind . As often as possible to increase compassion . Random acts are good .
21. Eat plants . The food comes out of the earth body , mind and spirit is better .
22. Cultivate compassion. For myself and all other living things.
23. Leave your comfort zone behind. The development is a sign of discomfort.
24. Identify your destructive thoughts. So, to fight back in a positive script type.
25. Drink less alcohol. You'll feel better.
26. Play. It is not just for children - playtime, the grown-up is beneficial for the brain.
27. The use of affirmations. Pick something that resonate with you, and recite them religiously.
28. Get at least. With less junk in your life, what is important to have more room.
29. Listen. When you talk to people, give them your full attention. Do not just wait for your turn to speak.
30. Make positive friends. If you are surrounded by negative Nancys It's hard to be happy.
31. Give back. There are many good reasons to make use of their talents.
32. To listen to upbeat tunes. Music has the power.
33. embrace a spiritual connection. It certainly is optional, you can make a world of difference in your life than feeling connected to something greater.
34. Do something unfamiliar. You have not been particularly interested in a sport, activity or explore a topic. You never know what you may find out that.
35. imaginable. With all that you wish to look at you, and you're on your way.
Give 36. hugs. Hugs are so underrated. Dole 'em out generosity.
37. Work to live. Not the other way around.
38. Look for opportunities. We get stuck in your regular routine, we are often blind to new possibilities. Your eyes, ears and heart open.
39. to train your brain. Your mind to maintain his top form needs to be challenged. Crossword puzzles, brain games, or try the memory quiz.
40. climb a tree. Trust Me. Best thing ever.
41. Do the things you love. You do not know what love is, then start looking.
42. Get a pet. Animals, lower your blood pressure, reduce stress and myriad other ways you can add to your life. Besides, who could not use a little love is unconditional?
43. travel. Expand your awareness to new places and faces.
44. Nothing. Call mental health at the time.
45. Meditation comes in many forms. Choose one. Even five minutes a day makes a difference.
46. ​​swim.
47. Take risks.
48. gracefully move. All things have their time.
49. Love yourself . It seems as it clearly is not as easy . But the work will come and warm fuzzies .
50. Appreciate everything . You accept them feel better about their lives in the very best way to do , so many gifts.